
Plerandra pachyphylla (Harms) Lowry, G.M.Plunkett & Frodin


Schefflera pachyphylla Harms

Red List Status -

Endangered (EN) , assessed in 11/12/2014

Protected species -

in Southern Province

Plerandra pachyphylla is an endemic tree of New Caledonia occurring in shrubland on ultramafic substrate ("maquis minier"). Based on herbarium specimens, it is known from three subpopulations. The habitat of Plerandra pachyphylla is threatened by bushfires. Population size reduction cannot be assessed because of a lack of data. The extent of occurrence (EOO) is 39 km² and the area occupancy (AOO) is 16 km². The number of locations based on fire as the main threat is estimated to be three. There are insufficient data to prove it is severely fragmented. A continuing decline has been estimated in the quality of habitat. Using criteria B, P. pachyphylla qualifies for Endangered [EN B1ab(iii)&2ab(iii)]. Population size is unknown.

Geographical area

Plerandra pachyphylla is an endemic tree of New Caledonia where it is is known from 3 subpopulations in the Chaîne Centrale (from the bassin de la Ouiné to the valley of Comboui).


Population size is unknown.


Plerandra pachyphylla is found in shrubland on ultramafic substrate (maquis minier).


Uncontrolled bushfires sweep across New Caledonia each year, especially during the dry season (an average of 20,000 ha of land is burnt each year, with dramatic peaks of 70,000 ha). They contribute to habitat fragmentation and decline in the quality of habitat. While mining activities impact heavily the vegetation on ultramafic soils, the subpopulations of this species are not situated on planned mining concessions.


It has never been observed in a protected area. Dense humid forests are a patrimonial ecosystem protected by the Code de l'Environnement of Province Sud.


Lowry, P. P. II; G. M. Plunkett and D. G. Frodin 2013. Revision of Plerandra A. Gray (Araliaceae). I. A synopsis of the genus with an expanded circumscription and a new infrageneric classification. Brittonia(65) , p.42-61.

Lowry, P. P. II; G. M. Plunkett; D. G. Frodin; C. Rodrigues Vaz; M. Gostel and A. N. Nicolas 2016. Revision of Plerandra A. Gray (Araliaceae). III. A taxonomic treatment of Plerandra subg. Dizygotheca..


Assessor(s): Tanguy, V.

Reviewer(s): Schatz, G.

Contributor(s): Lowry, P., Amice, R., Barrabé, L., Butin, J., Cazé, H., Fleurot, D., Gâteblé, G., Vandrot, H., Garnier, D., Isnard, S.

Facilitator(s): Schatz, G.

Geographical distribution