
Gyroporus sp 2 ined. Text Patrick Leonard 2019

Red List Status -


Pileus: hemispherical then convex; 45 - 65 mm diameter; dry; rugulose (bumpy); velutinous then glabrous; caramel to dark brown.

Stipe: cylindrical, hollow or chambered; 35- 80 × 8–20 mm; pruinose; dry; brown.

Pores: adnexed to free; creamy white.

Flesh: white, firm.

Spore print: pale yellow.

Spores: ellipsoid; 8.7 – 12 × 5 – 7 µm; smooth, thick walled.

Notes: this collection resembles the northern hemisphere G. casataneus but is growing in native forests so is likely to be a new species.

Patrick Leonard 2019

Geographical distribution