
Crinipellis patouillardii Singer

Red List Status -


Pileus: convex to planoconvex; up to 5–7.5 mm diameter; strigose radially arranged hairs cover the cap making the margin curly-grooved with a naked central disc with a papilla at its centre.

Stipe: cylindrical; 7 – 15 × 0.5 – 0.8 mm; strongly hairy; pale brown.

Gills: narrowly adnexed to free; moderately distant; white.

Flesh: thin, tough.

Spore print: white.                       

Spores: ellipsoid; 7–10× 4 – 6.2µm; smooth.

Notes: this Crinipellis is characterized by its hairy pale brown grooved cap with a central disc and papilla.

Patrick Leonard 2019

Geographical distribution