
Auriscalpium sp 1 ined. Text Patrick Leonard 2019


Pileus: infundibuliform, divided; 20 – 45 mm diameter; fibrillose to almost glabrous shiny; pale clay pink with a red brown centre; margin serrate.

Stipe: irregular, branching, often eccentric; 10 - 25 × 4 - 7 mm; glabrous, shiny; dark reddish brown.

Spines: decurrent; crowded; white; tapering, 4 – 5 mm long.

Spore print: white.

Spores: minutely spinose.

Notes: this fungus is recognised by its pale clay pink cap with a reddish brown centre, dark reddish brown stipe and white decurrent spines. It does not fit any of the descriptions given by Reid or Maas Geesteranus for toothed fungi. Sequencing has confirmed that this fungus is in the genus Auriscalpium.


Found in litter in wet sclerophyll forest with Araucaria and Nothofagus.


CL, P6130392,13 June 2015; NC670619, Mont Do, Patrick Leonard, 10 June 2019.


Maas Geesteranus, R.A. (1971) Hydnaceous Fungi of the Eastern Old World. North Holland Publishing Company.

Reid, D.A. (1956) New or Interesting Records of Australasian Basidiomycetes. Kew Bulletin. 631 – 648.

Cooper, J.A. NC sequences 2019.

Répartition géographique