- With images (14885)
- Without images (8826)
- Published (17325)
- Unpublished (1805)
- Wait Identification (587)
Proctected species (2109)
- Protected in Northern Province (1803)
- Protected in Southern Province (1343)
Red list status (1994)
- Extinct (EX) (1)
- Critically Endangered (CR) (193)
- Endangered (EN) (349)
- Vulnerable (VU) (245)
- Near Threatened (NT) (234)
- Least Concern (LC) (701)
- Data Deficient (DD) (113)
- Not Evaluated (NE) (158)
Flora (6932)
- Arbuste - taille inconnue (1185)
- Arbre - taille inconnue (328)
- Arbre - petit (191)
- Phorbe ou Herbacée (152)
- Plante grimpante (111)
- Géophyte (52)
- Arbuste - petit (50)
- Epiphyte (32)
- Fougère (24)
- Arbuste - grand (13)
- Forêt humide de basse altitude (1369)
- Maquis de basse altitude (231)
- Forêt humide d'altitude (186)
- Forêt sclérophylle (111)
- Maquis d'altitude (90)
- Savane humide (9)
- Forêt secondaire tropicale sévèrement dégradée (8)
- Zone humide arbustive (4)
- Littoral rocheux (3)
- Végétation arbustive humide tropicale ou subtropicale (3)
- Ultramafique (636)
- Volcano-sédimentaire (419)
- Calcaire (57)
Fungi (1353)
- Forêt humide de basse altitude (1369)
- Maquis de basse altitude (231)
- Forêt humide d'altitude (186)
- Forêt sclérophylle (111)
- Maquis d'altitude (90)
- Savane humide (9)
- Forêt secondaire tropicale sévèrement dégradée (8)
- Zone humide arbustive (4)
- Littoral rocheux (3)
- Végétation arbustive humide tropicale ou subtropicale (3)
- Ultramafique (636)
- Volcano-sédimentaire (419)
- Calcaire (57)
Fauna (15426)
- Species (10135)
- Gender (3657)
- Family (820)
- Subspecies (270)
- Subfamily (211)
- Order (104)
- Super family (94)
- Class (52)
- Suborder (42)
- Subgenus (27)
- Wet dense forest (133)
- Secondary thicket (zones dégradées) (8)
- Creek (8)
- Sclerophyll forest (dry) (7)
- Savannah (3)
- Halophilic zone (Mangrove, Coastline, Reefs raised) (2)
- Zone Marécageuse-Aquatique (2)
- Wet dense forest,Maquis (1)
- Wet dense forest,Secondary thicket (1)
- Secondary thicket,Wet dense forest (1)
23711 results
Images Kingdom Classif. Species name Common name Endemic IUCN Protection Fauna Subfamily Neocaledosynthemis Fauna Species Calesynthemis serendipita Fauna Species Calesynthemis pamelae Fauna Species Calesynthemis montaguei 2 Fauna Species Calesynthemis miranda Fauna Species Calesynthemis flexicauda 6 Fauna Species Calesynthemis campioni Fauna Species Calesynthemis jeanlegrandi Fauna Subfamily Calesynthemis 3 Fauna Species Neocaledosynthemis fenella Fauna Species Neocaledosynthemis ariadne Fauna Family Synthemistidae 2 Fauna Species Herviella cf. claror 2 Fauna Species Herviella claror Fauna Gender Herviella 2 Fauna Species Tenellia sp.26 1 Fauna Species Avaldesia tahala Fauna Gender Marionia 3 Fauna Species Marioniopsis levis Fauna Gender Avaldesia Flora Species Vitex bicolor Flora Species Vitex trifolia PN 4 Flora Gender Vitex 3 Flora Species Vitex rotundifolia PN 7 Flora Species Adelopetalum corythium VU 2 Fauna Species Lethrinus nebulosus Spangled emperor 3 Fauna Species Eretmochelys imbricata The hawksbill sea turtle PN , PS Flora Gender Adelopetalum 2 Fauna Species Tenellia acinosa Fauna Gender Trinchesia Fauna Gender Tenellia 1 Fauna Species Favorinus sp.12 1 Fauna Species Niparaya sp.4 Fauna Order Nudibranchia Fauna Gender Vayssierea Fauna Family Polyceridae Fauna Gender Favorinus Flora Species Bazzania wooroonooran Flora Species Bazzania tridens Flora Species Bazzania subtilis