- With images (14882)
- Without images (8829)
- Published (17325)
- Unpublished (1805)
- Wait Identification (587)
Proctected species (2109)
- Protected in Northern Province (1803)
- Protected in Southern Province (1343)
Red list status (1998)
- Extinct (EX) (1)
- Critically Endangered (CR) (193)
- Endangered (EN) (351)
- Vulnerable (VU) (246)
- Near Threatened (NT) (234)
- Least Concern (LC) (702)
- Data Deficient (DD) (113)
- Not Evaluated (NE) (158)
Flora (6932)
- Arbuste - taille inconnue (1185)
- Arbre - taille inconnue (328)
- Arbre - petit (191)
- Phorbe ou Herbacée (152)
- Plante grimpante (111)
- Géophyte (52)
- Arbuste - petit (50)
- Epiphyte (32)
- Fougère (24)
- Arbuste - grand (13)
- Forêt humide de basse altitude (1369)
- Maquis de basse altitude (231)
- Forêt humide d'altitude (186)
- Forêt sclérophylle (111)
- Maquis d'altitude (90)
- Savane humide (9)
- Forêt secondaire tropicale sévèrement dégradée (8)
- Zone humide arbustive (4)
- Littoral rocheux (3)
- Végétation arbustive humide tropicale ou subtropicale (3)
- Ultramafique (636)
- Volcano-sédimentaire (419)
- Calcaire (57)
Fungi (1353)
- Forêt humide de basse altitude (1369)
- Maquis de basse altitude (231)
- Forêt humide d'altitude (186)
- Forêt sclérophylle (111)
- Maquis d'altitude (90)
- Savane humide (9)
- Forêt secondaire tropicale sévèrement dégradée (8)
- Zone humide arbustive (4)
- Littoral rocheux (3)
- Végétation arbustive humide tropicale ou subtropicale (3)
- Ultramafique (636)
- Volcano-sédimentaire (419)
- Calcaire (57)
Fauna (15426)
- Species (10135)
- Gender (3657)
- Family (820)
- Subspecies (270)
- Subfamily (211)
- Order (104)
- Super family (94)
- Class (52)
- Suborder (42)
- Subgenus (27)
- Wet dense forest (133)
- Secondary thicket (zones dégradées) (8)
- Creek (8)
- Sclerophyll forest (dry) (7)
- Savannah (3)
- Halophilic zone (Mangrove, Coastline, Reefs raised) (2)
- Zone Marécageuse-Aquatique (2)
- Wet dense forest,Maquis (1)
- Wet dense forest,Secondary thicket (1)
- Secondary thicket,Wet dense forest (1)
23711 results
Images Kingdom Classif. Species name Common name Endemic IUCN Protection 8 Flora Species Graptophyllum macrostemon VU PN 3 Flora Species Graptophyllum ophiolithicum VU PN 10 Flora Species Parsonsia flexilis VU 2 Fauna Species Abronica cf. purpureoanulata Flora Gender Thalassogrammitis Flora Gender Grammitastrum 6 Flora Species Xylosma zongoi 14 Flora Species Sannantha pinifolia LC Fauna Subfamily Neocaledosynthemis Fauna Species Calesynthemis serendipita Fauna Species Calesynthemis pamelae Fauna Species Calesynthemis montaguei 2 Fauna Species Calesynthemis miranda Fauna Species Calesynthemis flexicauda 6 Fauna Species Calesynthemis campioni Fauna Species Calesynthemis jeanlegrandi Fauna Subfamily Calesynthemis 3 Fauna Species Neocaledosynthemis fenella Fauna Species Neocaledosynthemis ariadne Fauna Family Synthemistidae 2 Fauna Species Herviella cf. claror 2 Fauna Species Herviella claror Fauna Gender Herviella 2 Fauna Species Tenellia sp.26 1 Fauna Species Avaldesia tahala Fauna Gender Marionia 3 Fauna Species Marioniopsis levis Fauna Gender Avaldesia Flora Species Vitex bicolor Flora Species Vitex trifolia PN 4 Flora Gender Vitex 3 Flora Species Vitex rotundifolia PN 7 Flora Species Adelopetalum corythium VU 2 Fauna Species Lethrinus nebulosus Spangled emperor 3 Fauna Species Eretmochelys imbricata The hawksbill sea turtle PN , PS Flora Gender Adelopetalum 2 Fauna Species Tenellia acinosa Fauna Gender Trinchesia Fauna Gender Tenellia 1 Fauna Species Favorinus sp.12