

Common name :

Le Bavayia de la forêt sclérophylle Sclerophyll Bavayia

Red List Status -

Critically Endangered (CR) , assessed in 11/12/2017

Protected species -

in Southern Province , in Northern Province




A small species of gecko growing to a body length of 47mm, with a short tail approximately equal in length to its body; moderately broad toes; and a colour pattern on the body which in well marked individuals is typically light brown above with a pale V-shaped marking with dark outer edges on the nape and shoulders and dark transverse bands between on the body, while other individuals have much more muted patterns.


Natural distribution:

Known from several scattered locations along the northwest coast.

Distribution within Province Nord: Recorded from the northwest coast at Pindaï, Pouembout



: Sclerophyll forest (Pindai and Poumbout)



  • extremely high level of threat to populations in sclerophyll forest with high infestation levels of the introduced Little Red Fire Ant (Wasmannia auropunctata), resulting in a significant decline in abundance.

  • high level of threat to sclerophyll forest on the west coast through loss, modification and fragmentation of forest habitat to ranching.

  • high level of threat to sclerophyll forest habitat through repeated firing of adjacent savannah habitat, leading to loss and degradation of the forest edge.

This species is listed as Critically Endangered because its extent of occurrence is estimated at 8 km², all individuals are in a single location, and there is a continuing decline in its area of occupancy, extent and quality of its habitat, and in the number of mature individuals due to a variety of threats.

Geographical area

This species is endemic to Province Nord, New Caledonia. Bavayia exsuccida occurs in north-western Grande Terre and is known from a single locality on the Presqu'ile de Pindaï. Occurs at altitudes up to 240 m asl. The extent of occurrence and the area of occupancy are estimated at 8 km2.


There are no quantitative data on population size or trends for Bavayia exsuccida, but it is assumed to have suffered substantial reduction in population size and extent from past habitat loss from wildfires.


This species occurs in sclerophyll forest. It is nocturnal and arboreal. It shelters during the day in tree holes, beneath loose bark and under logs and stones, and forages at night on trunks, twigs and foliage.


The main threats to Bavayia exsuccida are the habitat loss and degradation from wildfires and introduced deer, the predation pressure from feral cats and the serious impact from the introduction of invasive ant, Wasmania auropunctata.


This species is protected in Province Nord under Code de l'environnement de la Province Nord (Délibération No. 306-2008/APN, 24 October 2008) and in Province Sud under Code de l'environnement de la Province Sud (Délibération No. 25-2009/APS, 20 March 2009). This species is not present in any reserve and no active specific conservation management is currently being undertaken.


Bauer, A.M. and Sadlier, R.A. 1993. Systematics, biogeography and conservation of the lizards of New Caledonia. Biodiversity Letters(1) , p.107-122.

Jourdan, H., Sadlier, R.A. and Bauer, A.M. 2000. Premières observations sur les conséquences de l’invasion de Wasmannia auropunctata 1863 (Roger) sur les prédateurs supérieurs dans les écosystèmes Néo-calédoniens. Actes des collectes insectes sociaux(13) , p.121-126.

Jourdan, H., Sadlier, R.A. and Bauer, A.M. 2001. Little Fire Ant Invasion (Wasmannia auropunctata) as a threat to New Caledonian lizards: Evidences from a sclerophyll forest (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology(38) , p.283-301.

Hély-Alleaume 2012. INC : Incendies et biodiversité des éco-systèmes en Nouvelle-Calédonie. 2016. Faune et Flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie.

Bauer, A.M., Whitaker, A.H. and Sadlier, R.A. 1998. Two new species of the genus Bavayia (Reptilia: Squamata: Diplodactylidae) from New Caledonia, Southwest Pacific. Pacific Science(52) , p.342-355.

Uetz, P. (ed.) 2017. The Reptile Database.

IUCN 2021. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2021-2.


Assessor(s): Sadlier, R., Bauer, A., Jourdan, H., Astrongatt, S., Deuss, M., Duval, T., Bourguet, E., McCoy, S., Bouteiller, A., Lagrange, A.

Reviewer(s): Cox, N.

Contributor(s): Whitaker, A.

Facilitator(s): Lietar, J., Warimavute, G., Tanguy, V.

Geographical distribution