Cyphokentia bractealis Brongn.Red List Status -
Least Concern (LC) , assessed in 30/09/2016Protected species -
in Northern ProvinceClinosperma bracteale is a solitary, slender, understory to canopy tree palm, irregularly distributed throughout south to central Grande Terre in New Caledonia. Clinosperma bracteale shows no preference for soil types and occurs in wet lowland and mountain humid forest from 10 to 800 m asl. With an extent of occurrence and area of occupancy respectively equal to 6,837and 116 km² and considering its number of locations estimated to be over ten and the abundance of the population per station, C. bracteale is considered as Least Concern (LC)
Geographical area
Clinosperma bracteale is an endemic palm tree of New Caledonia that is irregulary distributed throughout south to central New Caledonia.
Population size is not precisely known but census report of the population found dense population per station.
Clinosperma bracteale shows no preference for soil types and occurs in wet lowland and moutain humid forest from 10 to 800 m asl.
The species does not seem to be threatened although some sub-populations may be impacted by invasive species (rats and pigs), mining activities and fire.
Clinosperma bracteale is protected by legislation in Province Nord. C. bracteale occurs in eight protected areas : Pic du Pin, Mont Do, Forêt Nord, Mont Mou, Nodela, Haute Dumbéa, Forêt de Saille, La Dumbéa.
Pintaud, J.C. 1999. Phylogénie, biogéographie et écologie des palmiers de Nouvelle-Calédonie.
Hodel, D. R., & Pintaud. 1998. The palms of New Caledonia / Les palmiers de Nouvelle-Calédonie..
Pintaud, J.C. 2000. An introduction to the palms of New Caledonia.. Palms(44) , p.132-140.
Pintaud, J.-C., & Baker, W. J. 2008. A Revision of the Palm Genera (Arecaceae) of New Caledonia.. Kew bulletin(63) , p.61-73.
Assessor(s): Amice, R., Canel, J., Ugolini, D., Butin, J., Fleurot, D., Garnier, D., Garnier, D., Goxe, J., Henry, B., Lespes, A., Letocart, D., Letocart, I., Mercier, B., Tiavouane, J., Veillon, J., Warimavute, G.
Reviewer(s): Tanguy, V.
Facilitator(s): Tanguy, V., Maura, J., Warimavute, G.