
Elaeodendron vieillardii Guillaumin • Elaeodendron gomenense VirotRed List Status -
Vulnerable (VU) , assessed in 05/04/2018Elaeodendron brachycremastron is an endemic shrub of New Caledonia restricted in the north west coast of Grande Terre, from Plaine des Gaïacs to Poum. It is found in dense humid forest and shrubland on ultramafic substrate, from 5 to 450 m asl. The main threats identified are mining activities and uncontrolled bushfires. Known from ten locations, its area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are 72 km² and 1,104 km², respectively. Therefore, E. brachycremastron is considered Vulnerable VU B1ab(i,ii,iii,v)+2ab (i,ii,iii,v) with an estimated decline of all the concerned sub-criteria.

Geographical area
E. brachycremastron is an endemic species of New Caledonia restricted to the north west of Grande Terre, at the bases of the massifs, from Plaine des Gaïacs to Poum.
Population size is unknown.
E. brachycremastron occurs in dense humid forest and shrubland on ultramafic substrate, from 5 to 450 m asl.
The main threats identified are uncontrolled bushfires and mining activities (Poum (SLN), Koniambo (KNS) et Tiebaghi (SLN)).
E. brachycremastron is not protected by any legislation in New Caledonia and it does not occur in any protected area. This species should be included in the regional legislation for a better protection of the species. It is recommended to inform the local authority responsible for the coordination of the firefighting effort on the presence of the species in the concerned areas as well as awarness amongs the population.
Munzinger J., Morat Ph., Jaffré T., Gâteblé G., Pillon Y., Tronchet F., Veillon J.-M. and M. Chalopin 2016. FLORICAL: Checklist of the vascular indigenous flora of New Caledonia. vers. 22.IV.2016.
Morat, P. 1996. Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et dépendances. Volume 20 : Celastraceae, Loranthaceae, Alseuocmiaceae, Paracryphiaceae, Tiliaceae. 2016. Faune et Flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie.
Assessor(s): Amice, R., Bruy, D., Butin, J., Cazé, H., Chambrey, C., Dumontet, V., Fleurot, D., Garnier, D., Gâteblé, G., Goxe, J., Héquet, V., Veillon, J.
Reviewer(s): Lannuzel, G.
Facilitator(s): Barrabé, L., Meyer, S., Warimavute, G.