
Brachyscome sarasinii Däniker • Pytinicarpa neocaledonica (Guillaumin) G.L.NesomRed List Status -
Endangered (EN) , assessed in 20/07/2022Protected species -
in Northern ProvincePytinicarpa sarasinii is endemic herb from New Caledonia. It is restricted to Koniambo and Katepahie ultramafic massifs. It occurs in “maquis minier” at an altitudinal range of 50 to 925 m asl. It grows on serpentine at low elevations and on peridotitic-derived soil at higher elevations. The main threats are linked to intensive open nickel mining at Koniambo massif so that the populations at the top of the massif are severely threatened. Others threats comes from urbanisations (road and house constructions) at Vavouto. The Katepahie subpopulation is not currently impacted by mining activities but it is threatened by anthropogenic fire. (Lannuzel et al. 2022). Its extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are respectively estimated to be of 122 km² and 16 km² while the number of locations is estimated to be four. Using criterion B and with the estimation of a continuous decline of its habitat quality, EOO, AOO and number of mature individuals, Pytinicarpa sarasinii is assessed as Endangered (EN) B1ab(i,ii,iii,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,v).

Geographical area
Pytinicarpa sarasinii is endemic to New Caledonia where it is restricted to Koniambo and Katepahie ultramafic massifs.
The population size is not known.
This species occurs in “maquis minier” at an altitudinal range of 50 to 925 m asl. It grows on serpentine at low elevations and on peridotitic-derived soil at higher elevations.
The main threats are linked to intensive open nickel mining at Koniambo massif so that the populations at the top of the massif are severely threatened. Others threats comes from urbanisations (road and house constructions) at Vavouto. The Katepahie subpopulation is not currently impacted by mining activities but it is threatened by anthropogenic fire. (Lannuzel et al. 2022).
Pytinicarpa sarasinii is protected by legislation in Province Nord and it does not occur in any protected area. It is recommended to inform the DSCGR (emergency services) on the presence of the species in the concerned areas. This species would benefit from ex-situ and in-situ emergency conservation actions. It is moreover suggested to promote its growing in nurseries, to integrate it in future green space planning and to raise awareness on this species amongst local stakeholders. It is recommended to monitor subpopulations, and to preserve a viable population within delimited perimeters in Koniambo site. Lastly searches at nearby massifs at Konimabo are recommended.
Morat, P.; Jaffré, T.; Tronchet, F.; Munzinger, J.; Pillon, Y.; Veillon, J.-M. and Chalopin, M. 2012. Le référentiel taxonomique Florical et les caractéristiques de la flore vasculaire indigène de la Nouvelle-Calédonie [The taxonomic database « FLORICAL » and characteristics of the indigenous flora of New Caledonia]. Adansonia sér 3(34) , p.177-219.
Nesom GL 1994. Pytinicarpa (Asteraceae: Asterae), a new genus from New Caledonia.. Phytologia(76 (2)) , p.136-142.
Wang J., Guymer G., de Lange P.J. 2022. Lectotypification of the name Brachyscome neocaledonica = Pytinicarpa neocaledonica (Asteraceae: Astereae).. Ukrainian Botanical Journal(79 (2)) , p.77-83. 2016. Faune et Flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie.
Lannuzel G., Pignal M. & Gâteblé G. 2022. Pytinicarpa (Asteraceae, Astereae) in New Caledonia.. Phytotaxa(574 (2)) , p.121-136.
Nesom GL 2001. Taxonomic notes on Keysseria and Pytinicarpa (Asteraceae: Asterae, Lageniferinae).. SIDA, contributions to botany(19) , p.513-518.
Munzinger J., Morat Ph., Jaffré T., Gâteblé G., Pillon Y., Rouhan G., Bruy, D., Veillon J.-M., & M. Chalopin 2020. FLORICAL: Checklist of the vascular indigenous flora of New Caledonia [continuously updated].
Assessor(s): Amice, R., Bruy, D., Cazé, H., Fleurot, D., Garnier, D., Héquet, V., Lagrange, A., Lannuzel, G., Laudereau, C., McCoy, S., Vandrot, H.
Reviewer(s): Pillon, Y.
Facilitator(s): Warimavute, G., Fourdrain, A.