

Red List Status -

Vulnerable (VU) , assessed in 02/03/2018

Protected species -

in Northern Province

Elaeocarpus baudouinii is an endemic tree from New Caledonia, where it has a scattered distribution across Grande Terre. It occurs in dense humid forest on ultramafic soil from 20 to 800 m asl. Known from 10 locations, its extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are 3,796 and 84 km², respectively. The main threats are posed by bushfires and potentially mining activities. Therefore, E. baudouinii is listed as Vulnerable (VU) under criteria B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v).

Geographical area

E. baudouinii is endemic to New Caledonia, where it has a scattered distribution across Grande Terre: in the far south and the west coast up to col de Mo, on the east coast (Forêt de Saille) and at Mé Maoya (Bourail).


Population size is unknown, but field observations indicate the species is not common.


E. baudouinii occurs in dense humid forest on ultramafic soil from 20 to 800 m asl.


The main threats are posed by bushfires and potentially mining activities at Tomo (SMGM).


This species is protected by legislation in Province Nord and occurs in four protected areas: Cap N'Dua, Vallée de la Thy, Montagne des Sources, Forêt de Saille. Prospection in the Far South and east coast (Port Bouquet) is necessary, since no recent observations exist in these areas.


Tirel, C. & Jérémie, J. 1982. Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et dépendances. Volume 11 : Eléocarpacées, Monimiacées, Amborellacées, Athérospermatacées, Triméniacées, Chloranthacées. 2016. Faune et Flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie.

Morat, P.; Jaffré, T.; Tronchet, F.; Munzinger, J.; Pillon, Y.; Veillon, J.-M. and Chalopin, M. 2012. Le référentiel taxonomique Florical et les caractéristiques de la flore vasculaire indigène de la Nouvelle-Calédonie [The taxonomic database « FLORICAL » and characteristics of the indigenous flora of New Caledonia]. Adansonia sér 3(34) , p.177-219.


Assessor(s): Amice, R., Bruy, D., Fleurot, D., Gâteblé, G., Garnier, D., Lannuzel, G., Mandaoué, L., Vandrot, H., Héquet, V.

Reviewer(s): Tanguy, V.

Facilitator(s): Meyer, S., Warimavute, G., Barrabé, L.

Geographical distribution