
Dendrophyllanthus baraouaensis (Schmid) R.W.Bouman


Phyllanthus baraouaensis M.Schmid

Red List Status -

Endangered (EN) , assessed in 25/06/2020

Phyllanthus baraouaensis is a shrub of 0.5-1.5(-3) high, endemic of New Caledonia and restricted to the central part of Grande Terre, from Baraoua to Gohapin. This species occurs in undergrowth forests, along river banks mainly on ultramafic substrates between 10 and 300 m asl. The main identified threats are linked to habitat damage by invasive species (Rusa deer, Rusa timorensis), bushfires at Gohapin. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are respectively estimated to be of 117 km² and 32 km² while the number of locations is estimated to be 4. Using criterion B and with the estimation of a continuous decline of its habitat quality and its number of mature indivuals, Phyllanthus baraouaensis is assessed as En Dangered (EN) B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v).

Geographical area

Phyllanthus baraouaensis is endemic to New Caledonia where it is restricted to the central part of Grande Terre, from Baraoua to Gohapin.


Population size is unknown.


Phyllanthus baraouaensis occurs in undergrowth forests, along river banks mainly on ultramafic substrates between 10 and 300 m asl.


The main identified threats are linked to habitat damage by invasive species (Rusa deer, Rusa timorensis) and bushfire at Gohapin.


Phyllanthus genus is protected by legislation in Province Nord. Phyllanthus baraouaensis does not occur in any protected area. It is recommended to inform the Conservatoire d'espaces naturels de Nouvelle-Calédonie (New Caledonia natural spaces conservatory), which coordinates the New caledonian Invasive Species Programme, on the situation of the species in the concerned areas. It is also recommended to realise field surveys in ultramafique forests.


Munzinger J., Morat Ph., Jaffré T., Gâteblé G., Pillon Y., Rouhan G., Bruy, D., Veillon J.-M., & M. Chalopin 2020. FLORICAL: Checklist of the vascular indigenous flora of New Caledonia [continuously updated]. 2016. Faune et Flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie.

McPherson, G.; Schmid, M. 1991. Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et dépendances. Volume 17 : Euphorbiaceae II Phyllanthaceae.


Assessor(s): Amice, R., Bruy, D., Butin, J., Cazé, H., Fleurot, D., Héquet, V., Lannuzel, G., Laudereau, C., Lagrange, A., Veillon, J., Garnier, D., Dumontet, V., Goxe, J., McCoy, S., Gâteblé, G.

Reviewer(s): Warimavute, G.

Facilitator(s): Warimavute, G., Meyer, S., Vandrot, H.

Geographical distribution