
Red List Status -


Pileus: infundibuliform cyathiform: 20 – 150 mm; radially finely fibrillose, glabrous towards margin; dry; white to cream to ochraceous; margin acute.

Stipe: cylindric, flexuous; 20 – 150× 3 – 15 mm; floccose, pubescent; pale greyish to whitish.

Gills: deeply decurrent; crowded; very narrow; white becoming fawn; edge denticulate; with lamellulae in one series.

Flesh: thin, tough.

Spore print: white to cream.

Spores: cylindric; 6 – 8 × 2.5 – 3.5μm.

Notes: this deeply infundibuliform and often very tall fungus grows on dry logs.

Patrick Leonard 2019

Geographical distribution