
Macrolepiota aff. clelandii Grgur. (1997)

Red List Status -


Pileus: convex with an umbo;70 –100 mm diameter; squamulose with a central disc over the umbo, squamules more distant towards margin; disc and squamules reddish brown, background white; margin acute.

Stipe: cylindrical with a slightly swollen base; 100 –180 × 8 –12 mm; squamulose to fibrillose; brown; with ring 2/3rds up stipe.

Gills: free; crowded; white; lamellulae in 2 series.

Flesh: cream.

Spore print: white.

Spores: ellipsoid; 13.5 – 25 × 11.5 – 16, smooth.

Notes: this fungus has a red brown central disc and squamules on a white background, a very tall brown stipe and white free gills. It is close to the Australian M. clelandii but there is not yet sufficient information to determine if it is identical or not.

Patrick Leonard 2019

Geographical distribution