
Mycena mariae G. Stev. (1964)

Red List Status -


Cap: convex, broadlyumbonate;10 - 20 mm diameter;dry, radially fibrillose; dull pinkish red; margin entire.

Stipe: cylindrical;30-40×1-2 mm; glabrous at apex, hirsute at base; dull pinkish rose; exudes red latex when broken; insititious.

Gills:adnate with a decurrent tooth; subdistant; pink with a red edge; with lamellulae in two series.

Flesh: thin, white.

Spore print: white.

Spores: ellipsoid;8.5-11.5 ×5.5-7µm;strongly amyloid.

Notes: this Mycena is characterized by its dull pinkish red fruiting bodies, pink gills with a red edge and the red latex emerging from the stipe when broken. See also Maas & Horak’s M. rubidolimbata which has smaller spores and a red brown edge to the gills.

Patrick Leonard 2019

Geographical distribution