
Conchomyces bursaeformis (Berk.) E. Horak

Red List Status -


Pileus: convex becoming planoconvex; 10 – 65 mm diameter; squamulose at centre becoming velutinous towards the margin;white to cream to creamy yellow, becoming grey cinnamon with age; margin striate in mature specimens.

Stipe: absent; dorsally attached.

Gills: eccentric; crowded; white, pale cream or slightly grey; with a single series of lamellulae.

Flesh: tough, rubbery.

Spore print: white.

Spores: ovoid to subglobose; 5.5 – 8 × 5 – 6 µm; thick walled, warty or spinose.

Notes: this small shell like pale coloured fungus is dorsally attached to its substrate and had a tough rubbery consistency. Its identity can be confirmed by its warty/spiny spores.

Patrick Leonard 2019

Geographical distribution