


Appendicula vieillardii Rchb.f.Podochilus vieillardii (Rchb.f.) Schltr.

Red List Status -

Data Deficient (DD) , assessed in 29/01/2016

Protected species -

in Northern Province

Described as an endemic orchid of New Caledonia, Dendrobium minutiflorum has never been observed and collected since the first and unique collection made by Sarasin in 1912. On the basis of botanical description (type destroyed during second world war), D. minutiflorum has never been found again. According to experts, D. minitiflorum could be a variety of Dendrobium pectinatum with little flowers. D. minutiflorum qualifies thus as Data Deficient.

Geographical area

Described as an endemic orchid of New Caledonia, Dendrobium minutiflorum has never been observed and collected since the first and unique collection made by Sarasin in 1912 in Yaté.


Population size is unknown.


D. minutiflorum seems to occur in humid forest.


There is no threat identified.


Dendrobium minutiflorum is protected by legislation in Province Nord and Province Sud.


Morat, P.; Jaffré, T.; Tronchet, F.; Munzinger, J.; Pillon, Y.; Veillon, J.-M. and Chalopin, M. 2012. Le référentiel taxonomique Florical et les caractéristiques de la flore vasculaire indigène de la Nouvelle-Calédonie [The taxonomic database « FLORICAL » and characteristics of the indigenous flora of New Caledonia]. Adansonia sér 3(34) , p.177-219. 2016. Faune et Flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie.

Hallé N.; Aubréville A.; Leroy J. F.; 1977. Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et dépendances. Volume 08 : Orchidaceae.


Assessor(s): Butin, J., Laudereau, C., Amice, R., Antheaume, C., Birnbaum, P., Dubreuil, M., Lannuzel, G., Papineau, C.

Reviewer(s): Tanguy, V.

Facilitator(s): Chanfreau, S.

Geographical distribution