


Pittosporum thyense Guillaumin

Red List Status -

Vulnerable (VU) , assessed in 23/07/2015

Endemic shrub or tree of New Caledonia which can reach 10 m height, Pittosporum sylvaticum is located in southern Grande Terre in the area : Mont Mou, Monts Koghis, and vallée de la Thy. Species of dense humid forest and forest edges, P. sylvaticum is most of the time found on schist and sometimes on ultramafic substrate at an altitudinal range 200-900 m asl. Its extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) are equal to 38 and 16 km² respectively. P. sylvaticum does not seem affected by some threat in particular. Nevertheless, with total population estimated to be fewer than 1,000 mature individuals, this taxon is not common. Using criteria D, P. sylvaticum qualifies as Vulnerable (VU) D1.

Geographical area

Endemic shrub or tree of New Caledonia which can reach 10 m height, P. sylvaticum is located in southern Grande Terre in the area : Mont Mou, Monts Koghis, and vallée de la Thy.


Based on its distribution, total population is estimated to be fewer than 1,000 mature individuals.


Species of dense humid forest and forest edges, P. sylvaticum is most of the time found on schist and sometimes on ultramafic substrate at an altitudinal range 200-900 m asl.


P. sylvaticum does not appear affected by any kind of threat in particular.


Unprotected species, P. sylvaticum is nevertheless known from two protected areas managed by Province Sud : la réserve naturelle du Mont Mou and la réserve naturelle de la Vallée de la Thy. Despite several inventories of réserve naturelle du Mont Mou, this species has not been found again since last observation of Guillaumin. It would be advisable to prospect this area and in particular on the north-west zone of Mont Mou.

Bibliography 2016. Faune et Flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie.

Morat, P.; Jaffré, T.; Tronchet, F.; Munzinger, J.; Pillon, Y.; Veillon, J.-M. and Chalopin, M. 2012. Le référentiel taxonomique Florical et les caractéristiques de la flore vasculaire indigène de la Nouvelle-Calédonie [The taxonomic database « FLORICAL » and characteristics of the indigenous flora of New Caledonia]. Adansonia sér 3(34) , p.177-219.

Tirel, C. & Veillon J.-M. 2002. Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et dépendances. Volume 24 : Pittosporaceae.


Assessor(s): Gemmill, C., Veillon, J., Amice, R., Cazé, H., Dumontet, V., Fleurot, D., Garnier, D., Gâteblé, G., Maggia, L.

Reviewer(s): Tanguy, V.

Facilitator(s): Chanfreau, S.

Geographical distribution