
Mycena sp 4 ined. Text Patrick Leonard 2019

Red List Status -


Cap: convex; 5 – 8 mm diameter; dry; radially rugulose with erect long white needle like hairs; white; margin flared and dentate.

Stipe: cylindrical; 6 - 12 × 1 - 2 mm; translucent pale grey, glabrous white at apex, with a white powdery coating; no basal pad.

Gills: adnexed; moderately crowded; white.

Flesh: thin, white.

Spore print: white.


Notes: this Mycena is characterized by the needle like long white spines on a white cap and the grey and white powdery stipe without a basal pad. It appears to be in section Sacchariferae, but microscopic information is required to confirm this.

Patrick Leonard 2019

Geographical distribution