

Red List Status -

Critically Endangered (CR) , assessed in 24/10/2017

Rauvolfia semperflorens var. insularis is a shrub endemic to New Caledonia, only known from one locality on Ile des Pins (Pic N'Ga). It occurs in shrubland on ultramafic substrate up to 200 m asl. Its area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) are both equal to 4 km². The main identified threat is habitat degradation by uncontrolled bushfires. This species is therefore listed as Critically Endangered (CR) under criteria B1ab(iii,v)+2ab(iii,v).

Geographical area

This taxon is endemic to New Caledonia, where it is found only on Ile des Pins, at Pic N'Ga.


Only one population (Pic N'Ga) has been identified, its size is unknown.


This taxon occurs in shrubland on ultramafic substrate up to 200 m asl.


The main identified threat is habitat degradation by uncontrolled bushfires.


This taxon is not protected by any legislation in New Caledonia and doesn't occur in any protected areas. This species would benefit from ex-situ and in-situ emergency conservation actions. It is proposed to ensure the follow-up of known sub-populations, to preserve a viable population on delimited perimeters. It is recommended to inform the DSCGR (emergency services) and local Management Committee on the presence of the species in the concerned areas. Moreover a protected area should be etablished in Pic N'Ga.


Morat, P.; Jaffré, T.; Tronchet, F.; Munzinger, J.; Pillon, Y.; Veillon, J.-M. and Chalopin, M. 2012. Le référentiel taxonomique Florical et les caractéristiques de la flore vasculaire indigène de la Nouvelle-Calédonie [The taxonomic database « FLORICAL » and characteristics of the indigenous flora of New Caledonia]. Adansonia sér 3(34) , p.177-219. 2016. Faune et Flore de Nouvelle-Calédonie.


Assessor(s): Amice, R., Barrabé, L., Barrière, R., Bruy, D., Cazé, H., Lannuzel, G.

Reviewer(s): Meyer, S.

Contributor(s): Gâteblé, G.

Facilitator(s): Tanguy, V.

Geographical distribution