
Merulius aff. tremullosus Fries

Statut liste rouge -


Fruiting body: a fan shaped to semi-circular bracket; 20 – 40 mm diameter; upper surface woolly to hairy; dry or slightly gelatinous; cream to yellow to orange ochraceous.

Stipe: absent, laterally or dorsally attached

Gills: radiating wrinkled gills with cross gills (meruloid) creating a labyrinthine ochraceous pore-like under surface.

Flesh: spongy fibrous texture.


Spore print: white.

Spores: cylindrical, allantoid (sausage shaped); 3.5 - 4.5 x 1 - 2 µm; smooth.

Notes: this species is recognised by its spongy/gelatinous texture and labyrinthine ochraceous pore-like under surface.  It has a global distribution. The taxonomic position of this fungus does not seem to be settled. In some references it appears in the genus Phlebia.


The New Caledonia collection was found growing on timber thought to be Pinus. It is not known to have appeared on native trees


CL ?, Bois du Sud, Christian Laudereau, 15 June 2018.


Breitenbach, J. and Kranzlin, J. (1986) Fungi of Switzerland, Volume 2, Non gilled fungi. Species 145.

Patrick Leonard text 2019

Répartition géographique