Statut liste rouge -
Données insuffisantes (DD) , évaluée le 11/12/2017Espèce protégée -
en Province NordDescription
Découvert sur le mont Taom
Phaeoscincus taomensis is listed as Data Deficient because only one individual was observed in 2002 and the species has not been seen since.

Aire géographique
Phaeoscincus taomensis is endemic to Province Sud in New Caledonia. It is restricted to the Mont Taom.
There is no information on population size or trends.
The only known specimen was collected in the forest edges on the Mont Taom.
There is no information on direct threats to this species. However, it may be impacted as other skinks by the habitat reduction and degradation caused by bushfires and invasive species, as well as mining development in the Taom region.
This species is protected in Province Nord under Code de l'environnement de la Province Nord (Délibération No. 306-2008/APN, 24 October 2008). This species is not present in any reserve and no species-specific conservation management is currently being undertaken. Surveys are needed.
IUCN 2021. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2021-2.
Uetz, P. (ed.) 2017. The Reptile Database.
Sadlier, R.A, Bauer, A.M., Smith, S.A., Shea, G.M. and Whitaker, A.H. 2014. High elevation endemism on New Caledonia's ultramafic peaks - a new genus and two new species of scincid lizard. Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle(206) , p.115-125.
Assessor(s): Sadlier, R., Bauer, A., Jourdan, H., Astrongatt, S., Deuss, M., Duval, T., Bourguet, E., McCoy, S., Bouteiller, A., Lagrange, A.
Reviewer(s): Cox, N.
Contributor(s): Cassan, J., Jumel, M., Butin, J., Fleurot, D.
Facilitator(s): Warimavute, G., Tanguy, V., Lietar, J.