
Hibbertia deplancheana Bureau ex Guillaumin

Statut liste rouge -

Quasi menacée (NT) , évaluée le 27/04/2015


Description Générale

Arbrisseau prostré ou arbuste de 1- 3 m buissonnant ; ramifications courtes et sinueuses; tronc court.

Répartition en Nouvelle-Calédonie

Cette espèce est commune dans le Nord-Ouest de la Grande Terre de Poya à Poum, avec une récolte provenant du Nord-Est du Col d'Amoss et une autre faite dans la vallée de Tontouta.


Dans le maquis ligno-herbacé de basse et moyenne altitude


De préférence sur sols bruns hypermagnésiens ou ferralitiques érodés sur substrat ultramafique.


Feuilles sessiles disposées en rosette ou plus ou moins espacées au sommet des axes, oblongues- lancéolées, asymétriques dans le 1/3 inférieur, brillantes ou mates, coriaces, plus ou moins planes, souvent de couleur glauque.

Phénologie (Fleur)

Fleurs 2-10, jaunes (2-2,5 cm de diam.) sur des inflorescences simples scorpioïdes terminales, dépassant nettement les feuilles; inflorescences et boutons garnies d'une pilosité rougeâtre.


Follicules de 1 cm avec chacun 1-2 graines.


Floraison et fructification surtout d'octobre à décembre.

Hibbertia deplancheana is an endemic tree mainly spread on ultramafic mountains of north-west Grande Terre . Its area of extension stretches from Poya to Poum with one collect coming from Col d'Amoss and a second from vallée de Tontouta. H.deplancheana occurs in shrubland on ultramafic substrate (maquis minier) and on micaschist for the sample of Col d'Amoss at an altitudinal range 1-700 m asl (rocky slopes). Threats to Hibbertia deplancheana are likely to be linked to habitat degradation due to mining activities and fire. Population size reduction cannot be assessed because of a lack of data. Its area of occupancy and extent of occurrence are respectively 176 km2 and 3,295 km2. The number of locations, based on habitat degradation as the main threat, is about 15. A continuing decline of the quality of habitat is projected. Using criteria B, H. deplancheana does qualify for Near Threatened (NT) close to Vulnerable (VU) B1ab(iii)&2ab(iii).

Aire géographique

Hibbertia deplancheana is an endemic tree mostly spread on ultramafic mountains of North-West Grande Terre . Its area of extension stretches from Poya to Poum with one collect coming from Col d'Amoss on the east coast.


Population size is unknown but H. deplancheana is relatively common on west coast on ultramafic substrate.


H.deplancheana occurs in shrubland on ultramafic substrate (maquis minier) and on micaschist for the sample of Col d'Amoss at an altitudinal range 1-700 m asl (rocky slopes).


Main threat identified is linked to habitat degradation and reduction due to mining activities and uncontrolled fires that sweep across New Caledonia. The resulting effects of mining activities namely erosion and urbanisation on the sector Voh-Koné-Pouembout and Koumac are not inconsiderable threat.


H.deplancheana is not protected by legislation and does not occur in any protected area.


Morat, P.; Jaffré, T.; Tronchet, F.; Munzinger, J.; Pillon, Y.; Veillon, J.-M. and Chalopin, M. 2012. The taxonomic database « FLORICAL » and characteristics of the indigenous flora of New Caledonia. Adansonia(334) , p.177-219.


Assessor(s): Veillon, J., Amice, R., Butin, J., Cazé, H., Garnier, D., Lannuzel, G., Leborgne, T., McCoy, S.

Reviewer(s): Tanguy, V.

Facilitator(s): Chanfreau, S.

Répartition géographique